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One Day Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics 2024

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Institution Branded Mobile App

One Day Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics 2024


Karpagam College of Engineering

Event Location

Karpagam College of Engineering

Start Date & End Date



11:00 - 17:00


One Day Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics 2024

Workshop on machine learning and data analytics, participants will delve into the fascinating realms of artificial intelligence and data-driven decision-making. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical applications, attendees will gain a comprehensive understandingof fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and emerging trends in these rapidly evolving fields. Expert speakers will guide participants through hands-on coding sessions, real-world case studies, and interactive discussions, empowering them to harness the power of data for predictive modeling, pattern recognition, and actionable insights. Whether you a novice eager to explore the basics or a seasoned professional seeking to deepen your expertise, this workshop offers a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge, sharpen your skills, and stay at the forefront of innovation in machine learning and data analytics.

Contact Details

Ms. Suganya A


S.Nagaraj 9500313921


Karpagam College of Engineering

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