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How to Prepare for Job Interviews

Institution Branded Mobile App

Institution Branded Mobile App

How to Prepare for Job Interviews


Dani Tan

Event Location

Online Event

Start Date & End Date



10:30 - 11:00


How to Prepare for Job Interviews

This series of workshops is for WOC who are ready to be bold, break barriers, pivot careers, get promoted, and be leaders at any level.

I’m a first-generation Asian-Latina leader who has pivoted careers five times while achieving 11 promotions in 11 years. I went from a sample coordinator to a VP of a multi-billion-dollar company.

Having worked in public relations, sales, merchandising, and e-commerce, I'm now a leadership and career coach.

My coaching journey started with volunteering at a non-profit as a mentor coach for first-generation college students seeking career guidance. It then evolved to colleagues looking for mentorship and support. They couldn’t find leaders they identified with and wanted a similar path to success.

I found that most of us have it within us to achieve our dreams but don’t always have the tools or role models to get there.

I’ve dedicated my mission to coaching those who are seeking to be leaders for themselves and their community. I share the strategies and tools I created and sought throughout my career.

My private coaching caters to those feeling undervalued, overlooked for promotions, stuck in toxic environments, or seeking a strategic career move.

Together, we’ll create a customized coaching plan to break down and achieve your career goals. I'll be your dedicated accountability partner, strategist, consultant, and problem solver.

I'll coach you on how to be a leader for yourself, others, and organizations. We'll dive into influencing skills, conflict management, communication, and how to break into leadership.

My group coaching program, The Pivot & Promotion Community is a 12-month group coaching program for women ready to pivot careers and secure promotions. Tailored for those craving community, accountability, and skill refinement.


If you have a clear goal for your next role, pivot, or promotion, and you want to learn the skills of networking, salary negotiation, and interview strategies, as well as refine and rebrand your resume and LinkedIn, this space is for you.

In addition to my coaching, I offer workshops for companies, ERGs, and conferences. My speaking and presentation topics include: How to Be a Leader at Any Level, How to Build a Network of Sponsors, Advocates, and Allies, Closing the Gap: Salary and Benefits Negotiation, How to Ask for a Promotion, How to Network: Connecting with Confidence, and Career Pivots: Tools for Changing Careers.

I can't wait to meet you!

Reach me at hello@danitan.com or visit my website www.danitan.com 


Online Event

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