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Devbhoomi Education Conclave 1.0

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Devbhoomi Education Conclave 1.0


Nikhil Bharat Shiksha Parishad

Event Location

Hotel The Eleganza, Jhajra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Start Date & End Date



10:00 - 16:00


Devbhoomi Education Conclave 1.0

Devbhoomi Education Conclave 1.0 typically refers to a summit or gathering focused on discussing and addressing issues related to education. These summit often bring together educators, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders in the field of education to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore solutions to various challenges in the education sector across of the globe.

Contact : +91 9073351234 | Email: info.csksrc@gmail.com, fellowengineersassociation@gmail.com


Hotel The Eleganza, Jhajra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

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