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2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems ICACRS 2023

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2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems ICACRS 2023


Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology

Event Location

Offline and Online Mode

Start Date & End Date

11-Dec-2023 - 13-Dec-2023


10:00 - 17:00


2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems ICACRS 2023

About Event

Many computational intelligence and learning methods, such as expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms and so on have found success in a variety of control and automation fields. Intelligent Control, which differs from conventional approaches is based on methodologies derived from Artificial Intelligence[AI] and soft computing techniques is capable of dealing with problems in diverse computational and communication domains and, more recently, those related to renewable energy and mobile autonomous systems, where conventional methods were unsuccessful.



Paper presentation


PPT Topics

Computational Methods

Robotics and Automation

Renewable Systems


Last Dates for Registration

7 November, 2023


Offline and Online Mode

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